Montauk Geometric Rug

We love the combination of blue and geometric pattern in just about any textile and this rug makes those dreams come true for so much less! Shop the Safavieh Montauk Everly Rug for a great deal, but keep in mind that this is a flatweave rug that will give you more style than durability - especially when it comes to pets. We love this in a nursery or living space, but would skip it in your pets have nails that could pull the threads.

We’ve purchased the splurge rug from Ballard and though we loved the color and design, it came damaged and we didn’t think it would hold up well to our household (think pets and kids). Its called out as being performance, but we were worried that might not be the case if it arrived with holes.

If you need more rug styles, these are the best on the internet!

And don’t forget Amazon is a great resource for well priced rugs that ship fast!